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We Luv Video ATX Grand Opening

Close to 500 boxes of DVDs, VHS and Blu-Rays from the legendary collection of I Luv Video have found a new home in Austin, Texas as part of the new non-profit video archive We Luv Video. After months of volunteer work, We Luv Video is preparing its grand opening on July 29th, 2023.

Dear Video Luv-er,

Austin lost a precious resource whenI Luv Video closed its doors in 2020. Most people thought the library of over thousands upon thousands of videos—including many rare items which cannot be streamed—was totally lost forever.

But in 2023, a group of intrepid Austinites—including you—made it their mission to recover and restore this collection and make it available, again, to the people of Austin.

We Luv Video was born. 👶

And on July 29, our doors will officially open.

We’re a non-profit and 100% volunteer-run organization, and we need to raise thousands of dollars a month just to pay our rent and utilities. Every single penny we raise goes towards maintaining and preserving this priceless collection so it can be enjoyed by everyone.

We aim to preserve this collection for future generations and continue the long and proud history of video rental culture, but we can’t do it without you. We need you to sign up for a membership today or make as generous of a donation as possible. Your support will help us keep our store open and help keep the love alive!

Does your employer offer matching donations? That’s a great way to double the impact of your giving. Ask ‘em about it!

Thank you for all you have done to help launch We Luv Video, and thank you for being an engaged member of the Austin cinema community. We look forward to seeing you on July 29th!

With love,

All of us